Accountability Vs Being Canceled and Mental Health

Accountability Vs Being Canceled and Mental Health

When you mess up in the public eye, the public now has the tools to correct you.

Most of the time, you can learn from how other people react to you and walk away a little bit better after being corrected. But there are always people who don’t mean well and ruin these positive learning experiences for everyone.

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The Mental Health Concerns of Online Content Creators on Social Media

The Mental Health Concerns of Online Content Creators on Social Media

“The mental health risks people take in being an online personality become more prominent as their popularity grows. There is a lot of pressure to be “on,” be “perfect,” and be everything your audience wants you to be. You feel pressure to give them what you know they want - more content - and the hunger for that content never ends.”

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Why Does Social Media Upset Us And What Can We Do?

Why Does Social Media Upset Us And What Can We Do?

If I am feeling ok, I don’t mind seeing prettier-than-life things, in fact, I often feel they inspire me. However, if I am a bit down on myself, the fire gets worse from the added coal of upward comparison. Is that anyone else’s fault? Not exactly. I compare myself enough to people in real life, that confronting more things I am bad at online becomes downright exhausting.

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